Using E-Mails in the Insurance Debt Collection Process


The process of debt collection is not easy at all and the best step you could do for this is availing the services of a debt collection agency. These companies use a number of strategies and tricks to make sure that the process becomes easy and the debts get recovered. One of them is sending e-mails and here in this post, we take a look at how e-mails can be very helpful in a debt collector’s profession.

Sending Pre-due Date reminder

  • Emails can be used for sending friendly reminders prior to the due date of sending the instalments and an e-mail can be sent 3-5 days before the due date.
  • In this e-mail, you can explain the details of the debt and what this payment is for and other than this, the details of how much is owed and detail the various payment methods that can be used.
  • You should also use this email when a direct debit arrangement has been set up.

Insurance Debt collections

First Overdue e-mail

  • According to the experts of debt collection services, the first overdue regarding information or notice can also be sent via an e-mail, but make sure that the e-mail is written in a friendly manner.
  • However, don’t forget to clearly communicate that payment is now overdue and is required immediately and along with it, also include full details of the transaction.
  • This should also include the products or services provided, the total and outstanding balance, a revised due date.

Second Overdue e-mail

  • The second overdue Insurance Debts e-mail can also be sent by debt collection agencies, if the payment is still overdue after the first e-mail, but in this mail, you will have to be a bit firmer and strict regarding the payment.
  • But stay courteous at the same time and remind them that the payment is now overdue for a ___ number of days and it has to be made at the earliest.
  • Generally, they offer a time of two days to either settle the payment in full or contact to negotiate and agree on a payment plan.

Debt Collector Strategies